A little summer professional development for you
We all like to learn something, especially if it's focused on making our lives easier and saving us some time during the school year. I know we aren't thinking about school at the moment, but give it a chance....it's not so bad if you can sit in your living room, or on your deck, and learn some tips to make your life easier.
I want to focus on ways to limit your time at the copier, and also ways to save yourself time grading. This lets you be in two places at once because while your papers are being graded, you can be working with students, eating your lunch, or even at home enjoying your time with your family instead of grading.
Limit your time at the copier, here are some easy tips
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- If you are copying something like a reading, news article, or even directions, make a class set or make a class at +10. If you're a secondary teacher and have 100 or 150 students they don't all need a copy. Chances are many of them will get left on the tables or thrown out. You can always make some extra if students want to annotate them, or keep them, but you will still end up with much few copies. Fewer copies = less time standing at the copier! They will get trained pretty quickly that you're going to re-collect the directions or the reading. If anyone really wants to keep it or has marked it up a lot that's fine, but it will save a lot of paper and a lot copying time and frustration.
- Secondly, try going digital! There are excellent resources on digital interactive notebooks. Look into these, Google forms instead of quizzes, or start using Google Classroom. All of these are amazing because you will no longer be spending your days standing in line at the copier, fighting with the stapler, or paper jams. You simply make your assignments, assign it to your students and a copy is automatically made for each one of them it's a huge time saver!!! Also, if they need a new copy, that can be done painlessly. It's automatically saved so they won't lose theirs either! A few good resources for going digital are
- The Blended Classroom (Leah Cleary)
- Study All Knight
- Alice Keeler
- Shake Up Learning
- Thirdly think about how you can save some paper. When you save paper you're also saving yourself time at the copier. For example can you copy something on a half sheet? I do bell work on a sheet for the whole week and make a box for each day. I have even done it for two weeks. I collect the same paper every day for that time period. That means I'm only copying one bell work sheet once every two weeks or once every 4 weeks if I do them double-sided, rather than daily!
Saving Time Grading

- A lot of assignments can be graded simply on a check/check plus/check minus/zero basis. It's pretty easy to see whether the students did the assignment, they did it almost perfectly, they did a really poor job on it, or they didn't do it at all. You can give some quick feedback, but this saves you a lot of time checking every single word on their paper. Over time, if you have a lot of grades like I do, it will become pretty obvious all of those checks and check pluses and check minuses will average out. I enter them in my grade book as 100, 75, 50, and 0.
- Let the computer grade automatically! One of the best ways to do this is with a Google form quiz. You set up the quiz questions, and of course an answer key, ahead of time. It will automatically grade if they are objective questions. You can choose if students get immediate feedback or if their scores have to be 'released' by you.
- Another option, depending on what type of devices that you have, is Socrative. This is easier for students to do phone or some other smaller devices that Google forms, and it also can give immediate feedback and automatic grading.
- Lastly, I have never used Zipgrade, but I've heard amazing things about being able to grade objective questions on your phone.
What will you do with your free time, now that you are spending less of your planning period, lunch period, and after school time grading papers and standing at the copier?
I just found Alice Keeler this summer and it is nice to see her mentioned here as well. my school is going 1:1 with chromebooks this school year and I'm looking for ways to go more paperless!